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Whats a capsule Cardiotonic - Strengthens the heart muscle | Philippines

 Whats a Cardiotonic

Capsule Cardioton in Philippines

Causes of hypertension

Hypertension is diagnosed in 70% of people over 40 in the Philippines. Accompanied by a persistent increase in blood pressure, damage to blood vessels and myocardium. The etiology of hypertension is based on a number of causes and provoking factors that negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system: strong psycho-emotional stress; excess body weight; sedentary lifestyle; eating canned food, smoked meats, fatty foods, spicy cheese; frequent stress; smoking; alcohol consumption; physical and nervous overwork; heredity. Secondary provoking factors include increased excitement, fears, disturbed sleep, the use of salty and spicy foods. According to medical observations, men are much more likely to suffer from hypertension than women.

Taking the drug Cardioton, the risk of developing pathology is reduced significantly, the drug helps to stabilize blood pressure, keep them within normal limits.

What is Cardioton and how does it work

What are capsules used for? Cardioton - a preparation based on herbal extracts that stabilizes blood pressure. The complex not only eliminates the symptoms, but also the causes of hypertension, protects the heart and blood vessels from damage, improves blood circulation. According to the instructions, the product is recommended to everyone without exception, since it is safe to take, without side effects and without contraindications.

Reviews about Cardioton are left by cardiologists and patients who have experienced the effect of the drug on their own experience, while being satisfied with the result. The formula of the drug is quickly absorbed by the body, the components included in the composition have a cumulative effect, which allows the drug to act not only during administration, but also after the course. The healing properties of capsules Cardioton are as follows:

  • cleans blood vessels from cholesterol deposits;

  • lowers blood pressure for a long time;

  • normalizes blood circulation;

  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels;

  • eliminates thrombosis;

  • stabilizes the heart rate;

  • relieves vascular spasms;

  • improves the composition and quality of blood;

  • strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle;

  • normalizes the level of fat metabolism.

Cardioton not only reduces pressure, but acts on the problem from the inside, neutralizes the causes of high blood pressure. The complex has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, regulates the contraction of the heart muscle, improves lipid and protein metabolism.

Indications for use

High blood pressure affects your well-being. With small deviations from the norm, the clinical symptoms are mild, but when the blood pressure is above 160/100, the condition worsens, the vessels suffer, the person often requires medical attention, complete rest. The characteristic signs of hypertension include:

  • headache;

  • heart palpitations;

  •  dizziness;

  • teki eyelids, legs and hands;

  • numbness of the limbs;

  • chills;

  • increased sweating;

  • sense of anxiety;

  • decrease in working capacity;

  • "flies" before the eyes.

Taking the drug Cardioton stabilizes blood pressure indicators, bringing them back to normal. Taking the drug reduces the symptoms of the disease, eliminates pathological processes in the vessels and heart.

Interactions with other drugs

The natural composition Cardioton allows you to include the drug in the treatment of hypertension, combined with other drugs. An important condition for admission is the interval between taking antihypertensive pills and the drug Cardioton - 1.5 hours. In severe forms of hypertension, the complex is taken after consulting a doctor.


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